Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Unknown Park

The park would be one of serenity if it was not placed by a busy street
Gray- brown tree with black- green pointy leaves
Statue of an old caring man in a robe with a young scared child
Low shrubs, prickly, green and surrounded by red wood chips
A sour apple tree with the bitter fruit that looks like sweet cherries
Tall, strong brown tree with vertically striped bark with swirling limbs
Skinny pine trees stand in a group away from the others
Picnic tables with benches attached as well as tables with one or two chairs
Dreary gray, white sky is all consuming
Two trees with light brown bark and light green narrow leaves beginning to turn orange
Two chairs face each other in a confrontational way, there is no table between them
The gray in the sky is beginning to break up
The chirping of two small birds back and forth at the same pitch
The sky is turning white
The grass is a splotchy green
Purple flowers appear on bushes
Teal shrubs with fat leaves
Yellow flowers perched on the top of bushes
A red leaved tree peeks from the background
The sky is now an icey electric blue
The park is more colorful, animated than it was when I first arrived

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